Kristina Søbstad: Unbound

May 24—Jun 15, 2024

  • You bring me home

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    60 × 96″

  • Your thoughts are contagious

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    48 × 120″

  • Some kind of rain

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    30 × 48″

  • I see you in the water shimmers

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    36 × 36″

  • Just looking at you

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    36 × 36″

  • I can't look away

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    36 × 36″

  • Kindest light

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    30 × 40″

  • Just for a moment...

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    30 × 40″

  • It's not a sad thing, it's just nature on the move

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    30 × 40″

  • I'll find you in the morning sun

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    24 × 48″

  • When you grab a hold of me

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    24 × 48″

  • Fractured

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    24 × 48″

  • Come a little bit closer

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    24 × 48″

  • Must be kismet

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    24 × 24″

  • Slowly melting

    Kristina Søbstad

    Oil & charcoal on canvas
    24 × 24″

Christina Parker Gallery is pleased to announce Unbound, an exhibition of new paintings by Kristina Søbstad. The exhibition will open with an artist reception on Friday, May 24 from 6–8pm, and will continue until June 15. Music at the opening reception will be provided by Boyd Chubbs.

Kristina Søbstad will be giving an artist tour of the exhibition on Saturday June 15, from 3–4pm (rescheduled from June 8).

Download the Visual Catalogue

My work delves deep into the intersection of art, culture, and environment, capturing the essence of landscape through a lens that’s both abstract and culturally informed. Each canvas becomes a portal to the vibrancy of adjacent communities, as I deftly weave together colors pulled from their cultural tapestries against the backdrop of surrounding landscapes.

My process is nothing short of a profound immersion into the natural world where every stroke on the canvas is imbued with the essence of my experience – be it the earthy embrace of muddy trails, the gentle lapping of tidal pools, or the elusive glow of bioluminescent algae. These are not mere artistic endeavours; they are passionate odysseys that span weeks, even months, as I forge intimate connections with the environment, seeking out hidden treasures with patience and reverence.

My art is more than just a visual representation; it’s a translation of memory – both personal and collective – into tangible form. With each expressive brushstroke and deliberate mark, I breathe life into sensory recollections, autobiographical narratives, and emotional landscapes. But beneath the surface of my artistic exploration lies a deeper inquiry into the relationship between people and their natural surroundings, particularly in rural and remote regions. My fascination with these isolated communities stems from a desire to understand how they reflect and are shaped by their environments, contrasting their distinct ways of life with the bustling rhythms of urban existence.

Through my art I invite viewers to embark on a journey of introspection and connection, bridging the gap between humanity and the natural world with every stroke on canvas.

Kristina Elise Øvrevoll Søbstad is a Norwegian-Canadian visual artist currently based between Nova Scotia and St. John’s, NL, Canada. Søbstad earned a BFA from NSCAD University in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 2010.

Since 2007, Søbstad has participated in over 175 international group and solo exhibitions. Most recently, Søbstad completed a residency and exhibition with the Museum of Modern Art in Chiloe, Chile which was funded by ArtsNL. In 2019, her piece Unbound IV was purchased by the Canada Council Art Bank for their permanent collection. Prior to this, her dynamic piece, They Must Be Wild, was purchased by the Provincial Art Bank of Newfoundland and Labrador. In 2015, while exhibiting in Paris, Sobstad’s work was purchased by the Paris Francophilie Art Bank.

Kristina Søbstad’s CV

Kristina Søbstad Brochure

Exhibiting Artists